Snow in Feb 09

Ben is 15 and he and I have started walking the Ridgeway.  It is an ancient trackway from back long before the Romans, which follows the hard chalk ridges from Wiltshire up to Buckinghamshire, across the centre of soutern England. It was the main trading route in the south of England for unknown thousands of years.

Although it does not make hills of great height, the softness of the rocks to either side creates dramatic scarps, and views down onto wide vales at a lower level.  The chalk being a form of limestone it is dissolved by water and runoff streams carve steep smooth sloped ravines into the scarp edge.

We go out every Monday, and on one Monday in February 2009 the London area had is biggest snowfall for 20 years, but despite warnings not to drive, we weren’t going to miss out on our favourite day of the week !

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